  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All





connectionID: number = ...
joinedChannels: Set<string> = ...
pendingResponses: ResponseAwaiter[] = []
state: ClientState = ClientState.UNCONNECTED
transport: Transport
wantedChannels: Set<string> = ...


  • get closed(): boolean
  • get connected(): boolean
  • get connecting(): boolean
  • get ready(): boolean
  • get unconnected(): boolean


  • addListener<T>(event: T, fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void, context?: any): SingleConnection
  • Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void
        • (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

    Returns SingleConnection

  • close(): void
  • connect(): void
  • destroy(error?: Error): void
  • emit<T>(event: T, ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): boolean
  • Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.

    Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

    Returns boolean

  • emitClosed(error?: Error): void
  • emitConnected(): void
  • emitConnecting(): void
  • emitError(error: Error, emitEvenIfClosed?: boolean): void
  • emitReady(): void
  • eventNames(): ((string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents)[]
  • Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners.

    Returns ((string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents)[]

  • listenerCount(event: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents): number
  • Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.


    • event: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents

    Returns number

  • listeners<T>(event: T): ((...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void)[]
  • Return the listeners registered for a given event.

    Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T

    Returns ((...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void)[]

  • off<T>(event: T, fn?: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void, context?: any, once?: boolean): SingleConnection
  • Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • Optional fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void
        • (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any
    • Optional once: boolean

    Returns SingleConnection

  • on<T>(event: T, fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void, context?: any): SingleConnection
  • Add a listener for a given event.

    Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void
        • (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

    Returns SingleConnection

  • onConnect(): void
  • once<T>(event: T, fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void, context?: any): SingleConnection
  • Add a one-time listener for a given event.

    Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void
        • (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any

    Returns SingleConnection

  • removeAllListeners(event?: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents): SingleConnection
  • Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.


    • Optional event: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents

    Returns SingleConnection

  • removeListener<T>(event: T, fn?: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void, context?: any, once?: boolean): SingleConnection
  • Remove the listeners of a given event.

    Type parameters

    • T: (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents


    • event: T
    • Optional fn: (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]) => void
        • (...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: ArgumentMap<ClientEvents>[Extract<T, (string & Record<never, never>) | "CLEARCHAT" | "CLEARMSG" | "GLOBALUSERSTATE" | "HOSTTARGET" | "NOTICE" | "PRIVMSG" | "ROOMSTATE" | "USERNOTICE" | "USERSTATE" | "WHISPER" | "JOIN" | "PART" | "RECONNECT" | "PING" | "PONG" | "CAP" | keyof SpecificClientEvents>]

          Returns void

    • Optional context: any
    • Optional once: boolean

    Returns SingleConnection

  • sendRaw(command: string): void

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