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Single instance of a twitch automod flagged word in a message string.

Note: This is an undocumented Twitch IRC feature and may change at any time, use at your own risk.


  • TwitchFlag



  • new TwitchFlag(startIndex: number, endIndex: number, text: string, category: { category: string; score: number }[]): TwitchFlag


categories: { category: string; score: number }[]

Flag category, as per the AutoMod moderation categories:

  • I: Identity language - Words referring to race, religion, gender, orientation, disability, or similar. Hate speech falls under this category.
  • S: Sexually explicit language - Words or phrases referring to sexual acts, sexual content, and body parts.
  • A: Aggressive language - Hostility towards other people, often associated with bullying.
  • P: Profanity - Expletives, curse words, and vulgarity. This filter especially helps those who wish to keep their community family-friendly.

If this array is empty, this means that Twitch flagged it for a non-specified reason.

endIndex: number

exclusive end index in the original message text. Note that we count unicode code points, not bytes with this. If you use this, make sure your code splits or indexes strings by their unicode code points, and not their bytes.

startIndex: number

inclusive start index in the original message text. Note that we count unicode code points, not bytes with this. If you use this, make sure your code splits or indexes strings by their unicode code points, and not their bytes.

word: string

The part of the original message string that was recognized as flagged, e.g. "stfu".

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